Our Services
Information about our services is below. Please feel free to Contact Us for additional information.
Individual Counseling
Everyone experiences personal, family, emotional or other types of difficulties at some point in their lives. When our problems become unmanageable, we may need to turn to others for help.
Our goal for professional counseling at the Community Counseling Center is to provide professional, skilled, and therapeutic services to children, adolescents and adults experiencing difficult life circumstances that negatively impact their mental health. Counseling services provided by the center have the potential to provide the individual with knowledge, skills, and abilities that improve their life skills. We assist in building strong family and/or marital relationships and to provide a safe and healthy environment for all to grow and develop.
Our services provide equal access to high quality mental health services to all community members regardless of income level. The center accepts several insurance plans, including Medicaid, and offers a sliding fee scale for services to uninsured clients.
Sliding fee scale services are offered in Spanish. Other language interpreters can be offered as well.

Children’s Counseling
Children go through stages in their lives where they benefit from emotional support and require assistance with behavioral problems. Significant life events such as a death within the family system, divorce, a move, trauma, abuse, and academic issues can cause distress and alter a child’s behavior. The Community Counseling Center serves children ages 5 through 19 years old.
Counseling may be for individuals, with parent(s), and/or with the entire family. Service may include family counseling, therapy through play, cognitive behavioral therapy, bibliotherapy, solution focused, experiential, attachment, and narrative therapy. Each case is assessed and assisted in the way that is best for the child.

Family Therapy
The Community Counseling Center is committed to serving individuals within the context of their relationships. Sometimes, a client’s problems may be related to their relationships with their family members or the patterns of interactions with families. Because of this, therapists at the Community Counseling Center sometimes work with whole families in order to improve relationships and interactions between the members.

Couples Counseling
The Community Counseling Center provides a safe environment for couples to explore and address conflict in their relationship. Our counselors acknowledge the strengths in a relationship and build upon them to help the couple work through growth areas of their relationship.

Supervised Visitation
There may be times when separate or divorced parents are in conflict have difficulty communicating effectively with one another. It may be necessary for parents to negotiate a custody/visitation arrangement with the help of attorneys or mediation. This program encourages parents and their children to preserve their relationship when other factors may prevent them from visiting one another under more ‘natural’ circumstances. The supervised visitation program is designed to provide a safe environment for parents and children to visit and continue building positive parent/child relationships. The visitation room is designated for this family time. It is equipped with a TV/DVD, toys, games, and comfortable furniture. Our staff is available to assist with the visitation.

Co-Parenting Class
Parents who are separated or divorced are met with special challenges in raising kids harmoniously from two homes. We provide a one-time, four-hour class titled Co-Parenting: Two Children, Two Homes. This workshop, which meets the parent education guidelines developed by the Supreme Court of Virginia, will help you focus on healthy ways to parent from separate households – while keeping children out of the middle of custody, visitation, child support or divorce negotiations.
Topics include:
- Recognizing the impact of separation/divorce on children.
- Accepting different parenting styles.
- Identifying effective communication techniques.
- Discussing options for conflict resolution.
- Emphasizing the importance of providing financial support for children.
This class uses handouts, videos and group discussions to help you navigate co-parenting.
Parents will receive a certificate upon completion of the class.
Pre-registration is required. Call 540-433-1546 or email office@hbccc.org
Cost: $40.00 per person; $60.00 per couple.
Classes take place from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Saturdays, usually once a month. Please call to find out the date of the next class.

Employer Services
Many community members are able to access our services through their Employee Assistance Program (EAP). The EAP provides free, confidential counseling to the employee and family members. EAP is a benefit provided by an employer to address personal, family, job-related, grief, stress and substance abuse problems that may affect job performance. This benefit is provided in addition to health insurance and other benefits.

Group Services
The Community Counseling Center offers psycho-educational and therapeutic groups on adult and adolescent anger management and substance abuse. Research shows that education and support offered in a group setting greatly improves individual understanding of their behaviors towards others. Confidentiality and respect are main components of the group atmosphere.
Anger Management
In this group, skills are developed to cope with anger and learn tips on how to communicate better in relationships at home and at work. Court-ordered participants are required to attend 13 groups and can miss up to three before starting over. Groups can be attended voluntarily as well, and participants can continue to attend groups after completing the 13 meetings at a reduced cost. Please call for more information about these groups.
Substance Abuse
CCC has provided a variety of substance abuse treatment options for many years. This division of our agency is overseen by a licensed clinician. While our treatment focuses primarily on the individual who is struggling with addiction/dependency, we are also sensitive to the impact that is felt by friends, family and to the community at large. We believe that the support of caring and knowledgeable peers and mentors/role models is beneficial in recovery. We also strongly encourage clients to engage in 12-step recovery groups, and require that group participation in our more intensive levels of treatment.
Individual Assessments
Persons seeking or being ordered to the Substance Abuse Service will generally undergo an individual 1 ½ hour assessment. Here the person’s history of substance use is reviewed and their current level of dependency is assessed using a variety of instruments. These include the Michigan Alcohol Screening Test (MAST) and Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory (SASSI). Information from previous treatment providers as well as court documents, probation reports, etc. are reviewed, if relevant. The assessment, which results in a diagnosis and recommendation for treatment, may include the client’s significant others.
Group Counseling
We provide two levels of outpatient group counseling. Clients are assigned to a group designed to meet their level of need which is determined during their assessment. All groups may be supplemented with individual and/or family sessions. Alcohol and random drug testing (via breathalyzer and urine screens) is used to help ensure compliance with sobriety.
This group or individual treatment is designed for first offenders, and persons who are determined to have a mild to moderate level of dependency on use of alcohol or drugs who are generally referred by community probation officers. The group meets weekly for 10 one-hour sessions, and groups are held periodically throughout the year.
Treatment Group
Persons in this group have a moderate to severe level of dependency. It is often ordered by a court, probation officer, or the Virginia Alcohol Safety Action Program (ASAP). The group consists of ten 1 ½ hour meetings, and attendance at least 10 AA/NA support groups is a requirement of participation. Members will be screened for alcohol consumption with a breathalyzer during each meeting, and at least two urine screens will be taken at random times during this program.